Artist and Mu staff member, Audrey Park, on the meaning behind "Have you eaten?"
A young Audrey Park in her purple jacket, ready to share a meal with her family.
It may seem like an ordinary question, but for me, it has always held many powerful and cherished meanings. When a shared language was near impossible between my Korean-speaking grandmother and me, I at least understood when she asked: "밥 먹었어요?". Translated literally, it means "Did you eat?" Over time, I’d learn from her all the different meanings behind those three simple words. It meant “How are you?” when I’d hop into the car after school. Or it meant “Are you okay/ safe/ happy?” when she called during my first year away from home. Or it would mean “What do you need?” when I’d wander aimlessly into her kitchen. It also meant “I’m sorry” when words for an apology were difficult to find. Underneath it all, what she was really saying was “I love you. I am here for you.”
During what we have vehemently called an unprecedented and challenging time, I have experienced physical exhaustion, mental depletion, and loss of words. Yet through it all, the deepest comfort, care, and healing I've received have come from loved ones feeding me, sharing a drink, and checking in over a warm dish. Sometimes, the most revolutionary acts are the most simple ones. The food component of our subscription package is our small but grand way of caring for one another. We hope to share our meals with you, and ask: “Have you eaten?”
Audrey Park