We're having a Spring Rummage Sale!
April 10 & 11
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
"Spring has sprung," as they say
So what better way to salute the start of this restorative season than to sort through our storage and share our stuff with our supporters.
AKA... we're having a rummage sale!
In re-organizing our office to accommodate COVID precautions and a growing staff, we've sifted through our spaces and would like to pass off a lot of the things we've collected throughout the years.
Our offerings are available to anyone and everyone in the Twin Cities area willing to stop by and pick up in person.
How does it work?
You can peruse through the inventory and pick out the item(s) you'd like to claim by sending an email to audrey@theatermu.org. We'll place your item(s) aside and you'll be able to pick them up at our studio on Saturday, April 10 and Sunday, April 11 from 10am - 4pm.
Even if you don't claim an item, feel free to stop by and peruse the items in person.
All items are free. You can make a donation through our website if you feel inclined to make a payment.
Pick-up will be in-person and indoors. Please wear a mask and maintain a 6ft distance from one another. We will limit the number of people in our studio at a time. (Although we don't expect a huge crowd in our space at one time)